A riveting novel supporting a great cause.

Book Review ~ Wonder Womaniya By Sohil Makwana

INSIGHT: Wonder Womaniya is a story of Ambika suffering from prolactinoma which resulted in her getting subjected to hurls and abuses. The book, based on true events, portrays how she turns her life towards the better, while at the same time helping babies along the way. It is about hope and never giving up.

• REVIEW: The novel written by Dr. Sohil depicts the harsh reality of Indian women where from early on, they are subjected to eve teasing, character assassinations, hurls and insults. The book is written in a way which gives knowledge about the topic while not boring us even for a minute. The story moves swiftly giving us ample twists and turns to enjoy the ride. The illustrations in the beginning of each chapter were eye catchy. The author has a great sense of humor which shows in his book. While I loved the comedy and sarcasm of each sentence, I wish they were not in Hindi. Overall, it was a good reading experience.


  1. The social cause that the author has addressed is worth appreciating
  2. I really like the title of the book
  3. The best part about the book is that it is filled with wit and humor.
  4. The characterisation of Ambika has been done beautifully.
  5. The story doesn’t lack rhythm anywhere and moves with a constant pace throughout.
  6. Well researched.

• WEAKNESS: The typos could have been avoided with a good round of editing.

• TARGET READERS: Newbies searching for a light read can give this book a try.

• GENRE: Fiction

• RATING: 3.8/5

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