Bringing extra-ordinary from the ordinary. A book full of learnings.

Book Review ~ The BreakthroughBy Megha Bajaj

•INSIGHT: ‘The Breakthrough’ is an account of the lives of 11 people who believe in the power of dreams and have faith that with continuous hardwork, they will achieve those dreams. It is a self help book which teaches you the importance of synchronisation of health, wealth, love and spirituality.

•REVIEW: The best thing about the book is its language. The author has this special connect with the readers from the preface itself which continues till the last page. The flow with which she has narrated each story is splendid. The ease with which she has derived and explained the takeaways is amazing. The highlighted lines, the overall categorisation into smaller chapters, the love for no. 11, the faith in her Guru Mahatria, all these things added to the beauty of this book. Overall, I would say that everyone should read this book. It will definitely change your life.

•BEST QUOTE: The turnaround of your life is in your hands but for that to happen, you need to respect yourself and your abilities.

•STRENGTH: The book is an experience in itself and an amazing one at that. Every page of the book will teach you something or the other and you will see a transformation within you at the end. The language of the book is easy and at the same time engaging. All the 11 personalities have been explored well and put to paper in an even better way. The cover page and the title have been selected thoughtfully.

•WEAKNESS: The book was way too long and I felt it was stretched at certain levels. At some points it felt as if the book got inclined to Mahatria a little more than required.

•TARGET READERS: Anyone and everyone

•AGE GROUP: Above 13 years

•GENRE: Non fiction Self Help

•RATING: 4.6/5

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