An insightful read about evolving and presenting a better version of yourself.

Book Review ~ Prim and Powerful by Kuiljeit Uppaal

•INSIGHT: Prim and Powerful is a book that aims to transform you inside and outside by helping you build a sustainable image for yourself. The book not only explains the concept of PRIM, but also helps you to work and take action on your evolution process by the power moves suggested after each concept.

•REVIEW: Prim and Powerful, written by the world’s first image scientist, is a personal transformation guide applicable to people from all walks of life. The book consists of twenty chapters, covering the elements of PRIM, works towards building a sustainable image. The book is about reinventing yourself, evolving, presenting yourself in the best possible manner and creating a positive perception. The book talks about the importance of verbal skill, vocabulary, the entire communication process, power of listening, dialects, public speaking, body language, dressing and style sense for men and women, self grooming, good nutrition, positive mindset, introspection, self-esteem, handling relationship, proper etiquette, self-management, importance of journaling, time-management, art of networking and power of positive affirmation. The book helps to gain immense knowledge to be more powerful, internally and externally. If one can follow and work on the exercises, one can empower oneself for life, personally and professionally.

•STRENGTH: The power moves after the completion of each concept, is a kind of exercise that if inculcated as a habit will transform you to another level. Smooth and easy language. Proverbs used in the book are like beautiful piece of advice. Use of personal examples makes it real and genuine. Powerful cover page and an apt book name.



•GENRE: Non Fiction, Self-Help, Personal transformation

•RATING: 5/5

•FACT: Prim and Powerful is a not-for-profit book of Dr. Kuiljeit Uppaal, who plans to use the proceeds of the book for the enhancement of India’s youth, especially those from underprivileged backgrounds. It is a step towards ATMANIRBHAR BHARAT.

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