#HiddenGems: 3 Must-Read Self Help Books by Lesser-Known Authors

3 Must-Read Self Help Books by Lesser-Known Authors

Here are 3 underrated self-help books that are just amazing! Transform your mindset with these hidden gems.

1) The Breakthrough by Megha Bajaj

‘The Breakthrough’ is an account of the lives of 11 people who believe in the power of dreams and have faith that with continuous hardwork, they will achieve those dreams. It is a self help book which teaches you the importance of synchronisation of health, wealth, love and spirituality.

The best thing about the book is its language. The author has this special connect with the readers from the preface itself which continues till the last page. The flow with which she has narrated each story is splendid. The ease with which she has derived and explained the takeaways is amazing. Overall, we would say that everyone should read this book. It will definitely change your life.

The Breakthrough by Megha Bajaj

1) The Breakthrough by Megha Bajaj

The Breakthrough by Megha Bajaj

‘The Breakthrough’ is an
account of the lives of 11

people who believe in the power of dreams and have faith that with continuous hardwork, they will achieve those dreams. It is a self help book which teaches you the importance of synchronisation of health, wealth, love and spirituality. The best thing about the book is its language. The author has this special connect with the readers from the preface itself which continues till the last page. The flow with which she has narrated each story is splendid. The ease with which she has derived and explained the takeaways is amazing. Overall, we would say that everyone should read this book. It will definitely change your life.

2) The One Invisible Code by Sharat Sharma

The One Invisible Code by Sharat Sharma

The book talks about how people are stuck in the circle of mediocrity and unable to move up
to the next level. There are a number of reasons which pulls and stops them to reach their
superior self. The author has tried to address these issues and how people can improve and
rise to the next level.

The book has been divided into three parts. The first part deals with the knowledge of
aspirations and potential, the second part deals with finding and owning those and the third
part deals with discovering the invisible code to unleash your potential and reach to the
next level.

The way the author has projected the points and topics of self help in the form of a storyline is appreciated, as it’s engaging and insightful. The various stories in between the book works wonders in motivating and inspiring the readers. All the  lements that the author has used in presenting the book like illustrations, quotations, diagrams, makes this book a complete entertaining and insightful package.

2) The One Invisible Code by Sharat Sharma

The One Invisible Code by Sharat Sharma

The book talks about how people are stuck in the circle of mediocrity and unable to move up to the next level. There are a number of reasons which pulls and stops them to reach their superior self. The author has tried to address these issues and how people can improve and rise to the next level.


The book has been divided into three parts. The first part deals with the knowledge of aspirations and potential, the second part deals with finding and owning those and the third part deals with discovering the invisible code to unleash your potential and reach to the next level.


The way the author has projected the points and topics of self help in the form of a storyline is appreciated, as it’s engaging and insightful. The various stories in between the book works wonders in motivating and inspiring the readers. All the elements that the author has used in presenting the book like illustrations, quotations, diagrams, makes this book a complete entertaining and insightful package.

3) Bedazzle By Shamoly Khera

Bedazzle is a book which will turn out to be a guide on how to present yourself in public domain. It contains ideas on how to speak to influence people around you. It has everything that can make you a better version of yourself.


We loved the way she kept me engrossed with the book. Her personal experiences, stories etc added to the flavour. The book has all the aspects of public dealing; what to say, how to say, how to dress, how to boost your confidence, how to give speeches or talk in public and many more. It seemed like she followed all the things she wrote, in the content of her book too. The book is definitely a must read for everyone wanting to make it big. It’s your time to bedazzle.

Kitabi keeda - BEDAZZLE By Shamoly Khera

3) BEDAZZLE By Shamoly Khera

Kitabi keeda - BEDAZZLE By Shamoly Khera
Bedazzle is a book which will
turn out to be a guide on how to present yourself in public domain. It contains ideas on how to speak to influence people around you. It has everything that can make you a better version of yourself. We loved the way she kept me engrossed with the book. Her personal experiences, stories etc added to the flavour. The book has all the aspects of public dealing; what to say, how to say, how to dress, how to boost your confidence, how to give speeches or talk in public and many more. It seemed like she followed all the things she wrote, in the content of her book too. The book is definitely a must read for everyone wanting to make it big. It’s your time to bedazzle.

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