Video Review

The video review is more like a book recommendation video. It will be a blend of Hindi and English languages to attract all sorts of audience. We post the video on Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts. Our style of doing video review is quite different from others.


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Check our some videos reviews👇


Manav Vigg testimonial
Manav Vigg Author of Sherlock and Devdas

What started off one day as a random discussion with Umesh would culminate in such an engaging video came as a surprise to me! The video was apt in all respects- the narrative, the production qualities & the host. It introduced the viewers to the world of Sherlock & Devdas in a peppy way. And all this was done within a week- it speaks highly of the quality & commitment of Umesh & his team.

घर में जितनी किताबें,
घर में उतने घर।

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